Rebecca Hoogs


Associate Director, Seattle Arts and Lectures

Rebecca Hoogs is a storyteller, poet, curator, word-nerd, and (always learning) leader. For 15 years she has worked at Seattle Arts & Lectures, a literary non-profit. As the Associate Director she curates their programs, oversees marketing and communications, and is the on-stage host of some of the events where she is known for her insightful introductions and her kick-ass shoes. She is also a poet and is the author of Self-Storage(Stephen F. Austin University Press) which was a finalist for the 2013 Washington State Book Award in Poetry, and a chapbook, Grenade (GreenTower Press). She won the 2010 Southeast Review poetry contest and is the recipient of fellowships from the MacDowell Colony and Artist Trust of Washington State. She occasionally co-directs and teaches in the summer Creative Writing in Rome program for the University of Washington.