Curious about what one company working with law enforcement is doing to hold themselves more accountable in the critical work of dismantling institutionalized racism by restructuring hiring practices and product design? Come join us for our next take on Inspired Seattle, featuring Chyna McRae and Kevin Shah from Axon - a network of devices, apps, and people that helps law enforcement become smarter and safer. The mission of Axon is to protect life, and embrace and protect diversity and inclusion.
More about our speakers:
Chyna McRae is new to the Seattle area having moved from Massachusetts in 2017. In Boston, Chyna was a strategic manager working at early to mid-stage startups. Now as a product manager at Axon, she has pivoted her workdays to focus on the future of body cameras for police. Officers experience a loss of fine motor skills during critical events, and she hopes to improve the impact this obstacle causes through innovative product design. On the weekends, you may find Chyna at a local coffee shop enjoying a ‘spro or dancing her way into the week at Velocity Dance Center.
Kevin Shah is a computer and electrical engineer with an entrepreneurial drive. He is a first-generation immigrant from India. He moved from Kolkata in 2005 to Florida in pursuit of higher education. He worked in the aviation industry prior to moving from Florida to Seattle in November 2017 with his husband and dog. He is currently a Senior Product Manager at Axon where he develops products to improve public safety. He is passionate about technologies such as blockchain, machine learning, and smart contracts and wants to use them to solve global problems. He has proactively engaged in the Seattle social community by making various connections and joining organizations such as Planned Parenthood and the zoo. He continues to immerse himself further in order to wake up everyday to a better world.