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Duane Linklater at The Frye
Duane Linklater, who is Omaskêko Cree, from Moose Cree First Nation, in northern Ontario, is debuting a solo show at The Frye this September. The artist earned a BFA in fine art and Native studies from the University of Alberta in 2005 and an MFA in film and video from the Milton Avery Graduate School of Arts at Bard College in 2012. Linklater works across a myriad of mediums including sculpture, video, photography, installation and text works. His installations often thread a constellation of selves that meld ancestral elements, evocative symbolism, and pop culture references to create a commentary on the notion of identity. The artist explores the confines of its limits and the freedom to move beyond them. In addition to incorporating and juxtaposing seemingly divergent themes, Linklater also speaks to the erasure that threatens native culture. Through art, he creates a self-proclaimed “zone of non-interference,” a place to assert agency, insight, and also -- one senses, the amalgam of emotions and sentiments that move from it. Linklater’s mymotherside opens September 17, 2021 at The Frye Museum.